blob: 996012973769814c87b31a62bfcc5ece27b2a347 [file] [log] [blame]
Latency Measurements
This benchmark measures the average latency of selected kernel capabilities,
* Context switch time between preemptive threads using k_yield
* Context switch time between cooperative threads using k_yield
* Time to switch from ISR back to interrupted thread
* Time from ISR to executing a different thread (rescheduled)
* Time to signal a semaphore then test that semaphore
* Time to signal a semaphore then test that semaphore with a context switch
* Times to lock a mutex then unlock that mutex
* Time it takes to create a new thread (without starting it)
* Time it takes to start a newly created thread
* Time it takes to suspend a thread
* Time it takes to resume a suspended thread
* Time it takes to abort a thread
* Time it takes to add data to a fifo.LIFO
* Time it takes to retrieve data from a fifo.LIFO
* Time it takes to wait on a fifo.lifo.(and context switch)
* Time it takes to wake and switch to a thread waiting on a fifo.LIFO
* Time it takes to send and receive events
* Time it takes to wait for events (and context switch)
* Time it takes to wake and switch to a thread waiting for events
* Time it takes to push and pop to/from a k_stack
* Measure average time to alloc memory from heap then free that memory
When userspace is enabled, this benchmark will where possible, also test the
above capabilities using various configurations involving user threads:
* Kernel thread to kernel thread
* Kernel thread to user thread
* User thread to kernel thread
* User thread to user thread
The default configuration builds only for the kernel. However, additional
configurations can be enabled via the use of EXTRA_CONF_FILE.
For example, the following will build this project with userspace support:
EXTRA_CONF_FILE="prj.userspace.conf" west build -p -b <board> <path to project>
The following table summarizes the purposes of the different extra
configuration files that are available to be used with this benchmark.
A tester may mix and match them allowing them different scenarios to
be easily compared the default.
| prj.canaries.conf | Enable stack canaries |
| prj.objcore.conf | Enable object cores and statistics |
| prj.timeslicing.conf | Enable timeslicing |
| prj.userspace.conf | Enable userspace support |
Sample output of the benchmark (without userspace enabled)::
thread.yield.preemptive.ctx.k_to_k - Context switch via k_yield : 329 cycles , 2741 ns :
thread.yield.cooperative.ctx.k_to_k - Context switch via k_yield : 329 cycles , 2741 ns :
isr.resume.interrupted.thread.kernel - Return from ISR to interrupted thread : 363 cycles , 3033 ns :
isr.resume.different.thread.kernel - Return from ISR to another thread : 404 cycles , 3367 ns :
thread.create.kernel.from.kernel - Create thread : 404 cycles , 3374 ns :
thread.start.kernel.from.kernel - Start thread : 423 cycles , 3533 ns :
thread.suspend.kernel.from.kernel - Suspend thread : 428 cycles , 3574 ns :
thread.resume.kernel.from.kernel - Resume thread : 350 cycles , 2924 ns :
thread.abort.kernel.from.kernel - Abort thread : 339 cycles , 2826 ns :
fifo.put.immediate.kernel - Add data to FIFO (no ctx switch) : 269 cycles , 2242 ns :
fifo.get.immediate.kernel - Get data from FIFO (no ctx switch) : 128 cycles , 1074 ns :
fifo.put.alloc.immediate.kernel - Allocate to add data to FIFO (no ctx switch) : 945 cycles , 7875 ns : - Free when getting data from FIFO (no ctx switch) : 575 cycles , 4792 ns :
fifo.get.blocking.k_to_k - Get data from FIFO (w/ ctx switch) : 551 cycles , 4592 ns :
fifo.put.wake+ctx.k_to_k - Add data to FIFO (w/ ctx switch) : 660 cycles , 5500 ns : - Free when getting data from FIFO (w/ ctx siwtch) : 553 cycles , 4608 ns :
fifo.put.alloc.wake+ctx.k_to_k - Allocate to add data to FIFO (w/ ctx switch) : 655 cycles , 5458 ns :
lifo.put.immediate.kernel - Add data to LIFO (no ctx switch) : 280 cycles , 2341 ns :
lifo.get.immediate.kernel - Get data from LIFO (no ctx switch) : 133 cycles , 1116 ns :
lifo.put.alloc.immediate.kernel - Allocate to add data to LIFO (no ctx switch) : 945 cycles , 7875 ns : - Free when getting data from LIFO (no ctx switch) : 580 cycles , 4833 ns :
lifo.get.blocking.k_to_k - Get data from LIFO (w/ ctx switch) : 553 cycles , 4608 ns :
lifo.put.wake+ctx.k_to_k - Add data to LIFO (w/ ctx switch) : 655 cycles , 5458 ns : - Free when getting data from LIFO (w/ ctx switch) : 550 cycles , 4583 ns :
lifo.put.alloc.wake+ctx.k_to_k - Allocate to add data to LIFO (w/ ctx siwtch) : 655 cycles , 5458 ns : - Post events (nothing wakes) : 225 cycles , 1875 ns :
events.set.immediate.kernel - Set events (nothing wakes) : 225 cycles , 1875 ns :
events.wait.immediate.kernel - Wait for any events (no ctx switch) : 130 cycles , 1083 ns :
events.wait_all.immediate.kernel - Wait for all events (no ctx switch) : 135 cycles , 1125 ns :
events.wait.blocking.k_to_k - Wait for any events (w/ ctx switch) : 573 cycles , 4783 ns :
events.set.wake+ctx.k_to_k - Set events (w/ ctx switch) : 784 cycles , 6534 ns :
events.wait_all.blocking.k_to_k - Wait for all events (w/ ctx switch) : 589 cycles , 4916 ns : - Post events (w/ ctx switch) : 795 cycles , 6626 ns :
semaphore.give.immediate.kernel - Give a semaphore (no waiters) : 125 cycles , 1041 ns :
semaphore.take.immediate.kernel - Take a semaphore (no blocking) : 69 cycles , 575 ns :
semaphore.take.blocking.k_to_k - Take a semaphore (context switch) : 494 cycles , 4116 ns :
semaphore.give.wake+ctx.k_to_k - Give a semaphore (context switch) : 599 cycles , 4992 ns :
condvar.wait.blocking.k_to_k - Wait for a condvar (context switch) : 692 cycles , 5767 ns :
condvar.signal.wake+ctx.k_to_k - Signal a condvar (context switch) : 715 cycles , 5958 ns :
stack.push.immediate.kernel - Add data to k_stack (no ctx switch) : 166 cycles , 1391 ns :
stack.pop.immediate.kernel - Get data from k_stack (no ctx switch) : 82 cycles , 691 ns :
stack.pop.blocking.k_to_k - Get data from k_stack (w/ ctx switch) : 499 cycles , 4166 ns :
stack.push.wake+ctx.k_to_k - Add data to k_stack (w/ ctx switch) : 645 cycles , 5375 ns :
mutex.lock.immediate.recursive.kernel - Lock a mutex : 100 cycles , 833 ns :
mutex.unlock.immediate.recursive.kernel - Unlock a mutex : 40 cycles , 333 ns :
heap.malloc.immediate - Average time for heap malloc : 627 cycles , 5225 ns : - Average time for heap free : 432 cycles , 3600 ns :
Sample output of the benchmark (with userspace enabled)::
thread.yield.preemptive.ctx.k_to_k - Context switch via k_yield : 970 cycles , 8083 ns :
thread.yield.preemptive.ctx.u_to_u - Context switch via k_yield : 1260 cycles , 10506 ns :
thread.yield.preemptive.ctx.k_to_u - Context switch via k_yield : 1155 cycles , 9632 ns :
thread.yield.preemptive.ctx.u_to_k - Context switch via k_yield : 1075 cycles , 8959 ns :
thread.yield.cooperative.ctx.k_to_k - Context switch via k_yield : 970 cycles , 8083 ns :
thread.yield.cooperative.ctx.u_to_u - Context switch via k_yield : 1260 cycles , 10506 ns :
thread.yield.cooperative.ctx.k_to_u - Context switch via k_yield : 1155 cycles , 9631 ns :
thread.yield.cooperative.ctx.u_to_k - Context switch via k_yield : 1075 cycles , 8959 ns :
isr.resume.interrupted.thread.kernel - Return from ISR to interrupted thread : 415 cycles , 3458 ns :
isr.resume.different.thread.kernel - Return from ISR to another thread : 985 cycles , 8208 ns :
isr.resume.different.thread.user - Return from ISR to another thread : 1180 cycles , 9833 ns :
thread.create.kernel.from.kernel - Create thread : 989 cycles , 8249 ns :
thread.start.kernel.from.kernel - Start thread : 1059 cycles , 8833 ns :
thread.suspend.kernel.from.kernel - Suspend thread : 1030 cycles , 8583 ns :
thread.resume.kernel.from.kernel - Resume thread : 994 cycles , 8291 ns :
thread.abort.kernel.from.kernel - Abort thread : 2370 cycles , 19751 ns :
thread.create.user.from.kernel - Create thread : 860 cycles , 7167 ns :
thread.start.user.from.kernel - Start thread : 8965 cycles , 74713 ns :
thread.suspend.user.from.kernel - Suspend thread : 1400 cycles , 11666 ns :
thread.resume.user.from.kernel - Resume thread : 1174 cycles , 9791 ns :
thread.abort.user.from.kernel - Abort thread : 2240 cycles , 18666 ns :
thread.create.user.from.user - Create thread : 2105 cycles , 17542 ns :
thread.start.user.from.user - Start thread : 9345 cycles , 77878 ns :
thread.suspend.user.from.user - Suspend thread : 1590 cycles , 13250 ns :
thread.resume.user.from.user - Resume thread : 1534 cycles , 12791 ns :
thread.abort.user.from.user - Abort thread : 2850 cycles , 23750 ns :
thread.start.kernel.from.user - Start thread : 1440 cycles , 12000 ns :
thread.suspend.kernel.from.user - Suspend thread : 1219 cycles , 10166 ns :
thread.resume.kernel.from.user - Resume thread : 1355 cycles , 11292 ns :
thread.abort.kernel.from.user - Abort thread : 2980 cycles , 24834 ns :
fifo.put.immediate.kernel - Add data to FIFO (no ctx switch) : 315 cycles , 2625 ns :
fifo.get.immediate.kernel - Get data from FIFO (no ctx switch) : 209 cycles , 1749 ns :
fifo.put.alloc.immediate.kernel - Allocate to add data to FIFO (no ctx switch) : 1040 cycles , 8667 ns : - Free when getting data from FIFO (no ctx switch) : 670 cycles , 5583 ns :
fifo.put.alloc.immediate.user - Allocate to add data to FIFO (no ctx switch) : 1765 cycles , 14709 ns : - Free when getting data from FIFO (no ctx switch) : 1410 cycles , 11750 ns :
fifo.get.blocking.k_to_k - Get data from FIFO (w/ ctx switch) : 1220 cycles , 10168 ns :
fifo.put.wake+ctx.k_to_k - Add data to FIFO (w/ ctx switch) : 1285 cycles , 10708 ns : - Free when getting data from FIFO (w/ ctx siwtch) : 1235 cycles , 10291 ns :
fifo.put.alloc.wake+ctx.k_to_k - Allocate to add data to FIFO (w/ ctx switch) : 1340 cycles , 11167 ns : - Free when getting data from FIFO (w/ ctx siwtch) : 1715 cycles , 14292 ns :
fifo.put.alloc.wake+ctx.k_to_u - Allocate to add data to FIFO (w/ ctx switch) : 1665 cycles , 13876 ns : - Free when getting data from FIFO (w/ ctx siwtch) : 1565 cycles , 13042 ns :
fifo.put.alloc.wake+ctx.u_to_k - Allocate to add data to FIFO (w/ ctx switch) : 1815 cycles , 15126 ns : - Free when getting data from FIFO (w/ ctx siwtch) : 2045 cycles , 17042 ns :
fifo.put.alloc.wake+ctx.u_to_u - Allocate to add data to FIFO (w/ ctx switch) : 2140 cycles , 17834 ns :
lifo.put.immediate.kernel - Add data to LIFO (no ctx switch) : 309 cycles , 2583 ns :
lifo.get.immediate.kernel - Get data from LIFO (no ctx switch) : 219 cycles , 1833 ns :
lifo.put.alloc.immediate.kernel - Allocate to add data to LIFO (no ctx switch) : 1030 cycles , 8583 ns : - Free when getting data from LIFO (no ctx switch) : 685 cycles , 5708 ns :
lifo.put.alloc.immediate.user - Allocate to add data to LIFO (no ctx switch) : 1755 cycles , 14625 ns : - Free when getting data from LIFO (no ctx switch) : 1405 cycles , 11709 ns :
lifo.get.blocking.k_to_k - Get data from LIFO (w/ ctx switch) : 1229 cycles , 10249 ns :
lifo.put.wake+ctx.k_to_k - Add data to LIFO (w/ ctx switch) : 1290 cycles , 10751 ns : - Free when getting data from LIFO (w/ ctx switch) : 1235 cycles , 10292 ns :
lifo.put.alloc.wake+ctx.k_to_k - Allocate to add data to LIFO (w/ ctx siwtch) : 1310 cycles , 10917 ns : - Free when getting data from LIFO (w/ ctx switch) : 1715 cycles , 14293 ns :
lifo.put.alloc.wake+ctx.k_to_u - Allocate to add data to LIFO (w/ ctx siwtch) : 1630 cycles , 13583 ns : - Free when getting data from LIFO (w/ ctx switch) : 1554 cycles , 12958 ns :
lifo.put.alloc.wake+ctx.u_to_k - Allocate to add data to LIFO (w/ ctx siwtch) : 1805 cycles , 15043 ns : - Free when getting data from LIFO (w/ ctx switch) : 2035 cycles , 16959 ns :
lifo.put.alloc.wake+ctx.u_to_u - Allocate to add data to LIFO (w/ ctx siwtch) : 2125 cycles , 17709 ns : - Post events (nothing wakes) : 295 cycles , 2458 ns :
events.set.immediate.kernel - Set events (nothing wakes) : 300 cycles , 2500 ns :
events.wait.immediate.kernel - Wait for any events (no ctx switch) : 220 cycles , 1833 ns :
events.wait_all.immediate.kernel - Wait for all events (no ctx switch) : 215 cycles , 1791 ns : - Post events (nothing wakes) : 795 cycles , 6625 ns :
events.set.immediate.user - Set events (nothing wakes) : 790 cycles , 6584 ns :
events.wait.immediate.user - Wait for any events (no ctx switch) : 740 cycles , 6167 ns :
events.wait_all.immediate.user - Wait for all events (no ctx switch) : 740 cycles , 6166 ns :
events.wait.blocking.k_to_k - Wait for any events (w/ ctx switch) : 1190 cycles , 9918 ns :
events.set.wake+ctx.k_to_k - Set events (w/ ctx switch) : 1464 cycles , 12208 ns :
events.wait_all.blocking.k_to_k - Wait for all events (w/ ctx switch) : 1235 cycles , 10292 ns : - Post events (w/ ctx switch) : 1500 cycles , 12500 ns :
events.wait.blocking.u_to_k - Wait for any events (w/ ctx switch) : 1580 cycles , 13167 ns :
events.set.wake+ctx.k_to_u - Set events (w/ ctx switch) : 1630 cycles , 13583 ns :
events.wait_all.blocking.u_to_k - Wait for all events (w/ ctx switch) : 1765 cycles , 14708 ns : - Post events (w/ ctx switch) : 1795 cycles , 14960 ns :
events.wait.blocking.k_to_u - Wait for any events (w/ ctx switch) : 1375 cycles , 11459 ns :
events.set.wake+ctx.u_to_k - Set events (w/ ctx switch) : 1825 cycles , 15209 ns :
events.wait_all.blocking.k_to_u - Wait for all events (w/ ctx switch) : 1555 cycles , 12958 ns : - Post events (w/ ctx switch) : 1995 cycles , 16625 ns :
events.wait.blocking.u_to_u - Wait for any events (w/ ctx switch) : 1765 cycles , 14708 ns :
events.set.wake+ctx.u_to_u - Set events (w/ ctx switch) : 1989 cycles , 16583 ns :
events.wait_all.blocking.u_to_u - Wait for all events (w/ ctx switch) : 2085 cycles , 17376 ns : - Post events (w/ ctx switch) : 2290 cycles , 19084 ns :
semaphore.give.immediate.kernel - Give a semaphore (no waiters) : 220 cycles , 1833 ns :
semaphore.take.immediate.kernel - Take a semaphore (no blocking) : 130 cycles , 1083 ns :
semaphore.give.immediate.user - Give a semaphore (no waiters) : 710 cycles , 5917 ns :
semaphore.take.immediate.user - Take a semaphore (no blocking) : 655 cycles , 5458 ns :
semaphore.take.blocking.k_to_k - Take a semaphore (context switch) : 1135 cycles , 9458 ns :
semaphore.give.wake+ctx.k_to_k - Give a semaphore (context switch) : 1244 cycles , 10374 ns :
semaphore.take.blocking.k_to_u - Take a semaphore (context switch) : 1325 cycles , 11048 ns :
semaphore.give.wake+ctx.u_to_k - Give a semaphore (context switch) : 1610 cycles , 13416 ns :
semaphore.take.blocking.u_to_k - Take a semaphore (context switch) : 1499 cycles , 12499 ns :
semaphore.give.wake+ctx.k_to_u - Give a semaphore (context switch) : 1434 cycles , 11957 ns :
semaphore.take.blocking.u_to_u - Take a semaphore (context switch) : 1690 cycles , 14090 ns :
semaphore.give.wake+ctx.u_to_u - Give a semaphore (context switch) : 1800 cycles , 15000 ns :
condvar.wait.blocking.k_to_k - Wait for a condvar (context switch) : 1385 cycles , 11542 ns :
condvar.signal.wake+ctx.k_to_k - Signal a condvar (context switch) : 1420 cycles , 11833 ns :
condvar.wait.blocking.k_to_u - Wait for a condvar (context switch) : 1537 cycles , 12815 ns :
condvar.signal.wake+ctx.u_to_k - Signal a condvar (context switch) : 1950 cycles , 16250 ns :
condvar.wait.blocking.u_to_k - Wait for a condvar (context switch) : 2025 cycles , 16875 ns :
condvar.signal.wake+ctx.k_to_u - Signal a condvar (context switch) : 1715 cycles , 14298 ns :
condvar.wait.blocking.u_to_u - Wait for a condvar (context switch) : 2313 cycles , 19279 ns :
condvar.signal.wake+ctx.u_to_u - Signal a condvar (context switch) : 2225 cycles , 18541 ns :
stack.push.immediate.kernel - Add data to k_stack (no ctx switch) : 244 cycles , 2041 ns :
stack.pop.immediate.kernel - Get data from k_stack (no ctx switch) : 195 cycles , 1630 ns :
stack.push.immediate.user - Add data to k_stack (no ctx switch) : 714 cycles , 5956 ns :
stack.pop.immediate.user - Get data from k_stack (no ctx switch) : 1009 cycles , 8414 ns :
stack.pop.blocking.k_to_k - Get data from k_stack (w/ ctx switch) : 1234 cycles , 10291 ns :
stack.push.wake+ctx.k_to_k - Add data to k_stack (w/ ctx switch) : 1360 cycles , 11333 ns :
stack.pop.blocking.u_to_k - Get data from k_stack (w/ ctx switch) : 2084 cycles , 17374 ns :
stack.push.wake+ctx.k_to_u - Add data to k_stack (w/ ctx switch) : 1665 cycles , 13875 ns :
stack.pop.blocking.k_to_u - Get data from k_stack (w/ ctx switch) : 1544 cycles , 12874 ns :
stack.push.wake+ctx.u_to_k - Add data to k_stack (w/ ctx switch) : 1850 cycles , 15422 ns :
stack.pop.blocking.u_to_u - Get data from k_stack (w/ ctx switch) : 2394 cycles , 19958 ns :
stack.push.wake+ctx.u_to_u - Add data to k_stack (w/ ctx switch) : 2155 cycles , 17958 ns :
mutex.lock.immediate.recursive.kernel - Lock a mutex : 155 cycles , 1291 ns :
mutex.unlock.immediate.recursive.kernel - Unlock a mutex : 57 cycles , 475 ns :
mutex.lock.immediate.recursive.user - Lock a mutex : 665 cycles , 5541 ns :
mutex.unlock.immediate.recursive.user - Unlock a mutex : 585 cycles , 4875 ns :
heap.malloc.immediate - Average time for heap malloc : 640 cycles , 5341 ns : - Average time for heap free : 436 cycles , 3633 ns :