blob: 90c1c06fdcd9f31c2118f19ad349ab60a8c8a997 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2023 Intel Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Connect loopback between GPP_B_14 and GPP_B_15.
* BIOS settings to mark these two pins as GPIO
* Under Intel Advanced Menu > PCH-IO Configuration
* Enable Timed GPIO0 > Disable
* Enable Timed GPIO1 > Disable
* ISH Configuration > GP_6 > Unchecked [ ]
* ISH Configuration > GP_7 > Unchecked [ ]
/ {
resources {
compatible = "test-gpio-basic-api";
out-gpios = <&gpio_b 14 0>;
in-gpios = <&gpio_b 15 0>;