blob: d7b533d53f55556de1ddba5a56646ecf0bb62879 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Intel Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <zephyr/kernel.h>
#include "msgdev.h"
#include <zephyr/logging/log.h>
#define STACK_SIZE 2048
/* How many messages can be queued for a single thread */
/* Array of worker threads, and their stacks */
static struct thread_rec {
struct k_thread thread;
struct k_msgq msgq;
struct msg msgq_buf[QUEUE_DEPTH];
} threads[NUM_THREADS];
/* The static metairq thread we'll use for dispatch */
static void metairq_fn(void *p1, void *p2, void *p3);
K_THREAD_DEFINE(metairq_thread, STACK_SIZE, metairq_fn,
/* Accumulated list of latencies, for a naive variance computation at
* the end.
struct {
atomic_t num_mirq;
uint32_t mirq_latencies[MAX_EVENTS];
struct {
uint32_t nevt;
uint32_t latencies[MAX_EVENTS * 2 / NUM_THREADS];
} threads[NUM_THREADS];
} stats;
/* A semaphore with an initial count, used to allow only one thread to
* log the final report.
K_SEM_DEFINE(report_cookie, 1, 1);
static void metairq_fn(void *p1, void *p2, void *p3)
while (true) {
/* Receive a message, immediately check a timestamp
* and compute a latency value, then dispatch it to
* the queue for its target thread
struct msg m;
m.metairq_latency = k_cycle_get_32() - m.timestamp;
int ret = k_msgq_put(&threads[].msgq, &m, K_NO_WAIT);
if (ret) {
LOG_INF("Thread %d queue full, message %d dropped",, m.seq);
/* Simple recursive implementation of an integer square root, cribbed
* from wikipedia
static uint32_t isqrt(uint64_t n)
if (n > 1) {
uint64_t lo = isqrt(n >> 2) << 1;
uint64_t hi = lo + 1;
return (uint32_t)(((hi * hi) > n) ? lo : hi);
return (uint32_t) n;
static void calc_stats(const uint32_t *array, uint32_t n,
uint32_t *lo, uint32_t *hi, uint32_t *mean, uint32_t *stdev)
uint64_t tot = 0, totsq = 0;
*lo = INT_MAX;
*hi = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
*lo = MIN(*lo, array[i]);
*hi = MAX(*hi, array[i]);
tot += array[i];
*mean = (uint32_t)((tot + (n / 2)) / n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int64_t d = (int32_t) (array[i] - *mean);
totsq += d * d;
*stdev = isqrt((totsq + (n / 2)) / n);
static void record_latencies(struct msg *m, uint32_t latency)
/* Workaround: qemu emulation shows an erroneously high
* metairq latency for the very first event of 7-8us. Maybe
* it needs to fault in the our code pages in the host?
if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_QEMU_TARGET) && m->seq == 0) {
/* It might be a potential race condition in this subroutine.
* We check if the msg sequence is reaching the MAX EVENT first.
* To prevent the coming incorrect changes of the array.
if (m->seq >= MAX_EVENTS) {
int t = m->target;
int lidx = stats.threads[t].nevt++;
if (lidx < ARRAY_SIZE(stats.threads[t].latencies)) {
stats.threads[t].latencies[lidx] = latency;
stats.mirq_latencies[atomic_inc(&stats.num_mirq)] = m->metairq_latency;
/* Once we've logged our final event, print a report. We use
* a semaphore with an initial count of 1 to ensure that only
* one thread gets to do this. Also events can be processed
* out of order, so add a small sleep to let the queues
* finish.
if (m->seq == MAX_EVENTS - 1) {
uint32_t hi, lo, mean, stdev, ret;
ret = k_sem_take(&report_cookie, K_FOREVER);
__ASSERT_NO_MSG(ret == 0);
calc_stats(stats.mirq_latencies, stats.num_mirq,
&lo, &hi, &mean, &stdev);
LOG_INF(" ---------- Latency (cyc) ----------");
LOG_INF(" Best Worst Mean Stdev");
LOG_INF("MetaIRQ %8d %8d %8d %8d", lo, hi, mean, stdev);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
if (stats.threads[i].nevt == 0) {
LOG_WRN("No events for thread %d", i);
&lo, &hi, &mean, &stdev);
LOG_INF("Thread%d %8d %8d %8d %8d",
i, lo, hi, mean, stdev);
LOG_INF("MetaIRQ Test Complete");
static void thread_fn(void *p1, void *p2, void *p3)
int id = (long)p1;
struct msg m;
LOG_INF("Starting Thread%d at priority %d", id,
while (true) {
int ret = k_msgq_get(&threads[id].msgq, &m, K_FOREVER);
uint32_t start = k_cycle_get_32();
/* Spin on the CPU for the requested number of cycles
* doing the "work" required to "process" the event.
* Note the inner loop: hammering on k_cycle_get_32()
* on some platforms requires locking around the timer
* driver internals and can affect interrupt latency.
* Obviously we may be preempted as new events arrive
* and get queued.
while (k_cycle_get_32() - start < m.proc_cyc) {
for (volatile int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
__ASSERT_NO_MSG(ret == 0);
uint32_t dur = k_cycle_get_32() - start;
/* Log the message, its thread, and the following cycle values:
* 1. Receive it from the driver in the MetaIRQ thread
* 2. Begin processing it out of the queue in the worker thread
* 3. The requested processing time in the message
* 4. The actual time taken to process the message
* (may be higher if the thread was preempted)
LOG_INF("M%d T%d mirq %d disp %d proc %d real %d",
m.seq, id, m.metairq_latency,
start - m.timestamp, m.proc_cyc, dur);
/* Collect the latency values in a big statistics array */
record_latencies(&m, start - m.timestamp);
int main(void)
for (long i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
/* Each thread gets a different priority. Half should
* be at (negative) cooperative priorities. Lower
* thread numbers have higher priority values,
* e.g. thread 0 will be preempted only by the
* metairq.
int prio = (-NUM_THREADS/2) + i;
k_msgq_init(&threads[i].msgq, (char *)threads[i].msgq_buf,
sizeof(struct msg), QUEUE_DEPTH);
thread_stacks[i], STACK_SIZE,
thread_fn, (void *)i, NULL, NULL,
prio, 0, K_NO_WAIT);
return 0;